The Nourished Leader

Love The Work Again
by reimagining how "the cause" fits into your life
how your life fits in to "the cause".
Natalie Legrand works with mid to executive level leaders in social and climate justice work who are ready to reimagine how they define work, and build their capacity to realize their full potential by stepping confidently into your power and build the resilience & focus necessary to ensure success.

A 12-week immersion for social and climate justice leaders
who want the tools, frameworks & support
to forge a sustainable career and long-term social change
Choose You - ie The Art of Choosing You by Getting out of Your own way
Challenge Your Status Quo
Choose Courage Over Comfort
- Long term sustainable change so as to not burn out.
The key to realizing a dream is to focus not on success but significance, and then even the small steps and little victories along your path will take on greater meaning.

Erlina Sidik
Share the amazing things customers are saying about your business. Double click, or click Edit Text to make it yours.

Trevor Torrance
Share the amazing things customers are saying about your business. Double click, or click Edit Text to make it yours.

Judy Okten
Share the amazing things customers are saying about your business. Double click, or click Edit Text to make it yours.

Rebecca Hoole
Share the amazing things customers are saying about your business. Double click, or click Edit Text to make it yours.
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